Dear Diary, all of my ideas suck today :( 

Be prepared, write notes to yourself.
No, you won't remember it, just write it down.

Do yourself a favor and buy a notebook. Keep it around with you so that you can write down all those great ideas you tend to have when you don't need them. One of the best ways to get out of a creative block is to be prepared for it by having an arsenal of go to ideas, quotations, thoughts, etc. that way they're there when you need them.

Talk it out.
Don't be the crazy guy on the street.

Go for a walk, get away from your usual work space, and talk out your ideas. If you don't want to sound crazy talking to yourself, take a friend with you. It's not recommended to approach strangers on the street to talk out your ideas, interaction with actual people is encouraged but you don't want to be that crazy guy talking to random people about the thoughts you can't get out of your head.

Get some sleep.
That pillow looks really good right now, doesn't it?

This may sound counter-producive but getting some sleep may actually help you be more creative since it gives your body, and more importantly, your mind a chance to recuperate. The majority of studies on sleep creativity have shown that sleep can facilitate insightful behavior and flexible reasoning, and there are several hypotheses about the creative function of dreams. So if you're feeling like all of your ideas suck lately make sure you get some sleep*. If sleep doesn't help then, unfortunately, all of your ideas do in fact suck and you've got bigger problems than not getting enough sleep.

*Disclaimer: Don't blame me if you fall asleep and miss a deadline. You're the lazy one that decided sleep was more important than doing your work. You should really get back to making your ideas not suck. On another note, you should really take some personal responsibility for your sucky ass ideas.

Gym, tan, laundry.
You know you've got a pile waiting for you anyway.

It's possible that your ideas stink because you yourself literally stink so do us all a favor and go do some laundry. Not only will you smell a lot better but doing a mundane and repetitive task, such as folding clothes after they're done drying, can help spur creativity. Exercise can also help because it'll get your blood pumping. Tanning may not actually help at all but judging by the amount of time you've spent at your desk trying to come up with an idea, you're due for some good old vitamin D.

The secret weapon*.
I wish I knew how to quit you.

So you didn't take my advice about writing things down in a notebook, you're too much of an introvert to go out and talk to people, sleep is out of the question becase you've got to come up with an idea by tomorrow morning, and you've done all of your laundry? Time to bust out the big guns. That familiar friend caffeine is here to save you once again! No more messing around brew yourself a pot, sit down in front of your desk, and stop procrastinating and wasting time reading stuf llike this on the internet. GET TO WORK!

*Chances are that if you made it all the way down to the bottom of this that you're a huge procrastinator and this is most likely the reason why "good" ideas aren't coming to you. Listen I get it, you've got more fun things to do than work, but you should consider working on your time management skills and space out your work into small increments so you don't feel rushed at the end. Remember that good ideas come from thinking about a problem over time and that you can't rush a good idea out whenever you want to, otherwise it would be easy to be creative.